Animated ads for Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, Snapchat or any other platform. We will look into your business and create the most relevant and the best- performing video that won’t let your potential customer to skip your page. Need a target marketing specialists too? We will get it covered!
Game trailers, Metaverse presentations, Product videos, CG Cinematics. Whatever is challenging or impossible to shoot in the real world can be designed using Computer Graphics. We will provide full in-house video design services starting from storyboard and sketches to compositing and professional voiceover.
Gaming Assets, Characters, Clothes and Accessories, Hard surface objects. We can create almost anything made of points, edges and polygons. The future world needs digital builders and we got the best of them. Let’s create together?
Visuals are one of the most important parts of building a business. Logos, colors, patterns, and style elements collectively play an important role in the perception of your product. We will wrap your brand completely and set the right direction for your future design.
Heard about NFTs? DESIGNED are true early pioneers! We know enough to design, develop and promote high quality projects. Our team made tens of thousands collectible nft avatars with estimated value worth 10mil$ +, more than 20 unique artworks with the single highest sale around 100k$ mentioned in the official Forbes social media.It's never late in crypto, reach us out for details.